Avantier’s Precise Optical Windows

Optical windows, composed of optically transparent materials, are designed as flat plates to facilitate the passage of light into optical instruments. They also serve the purpose of shielding a light source from external environmental factors. These specialized windows are meticulously crafted to minimize both reflection and absorption while maximizing the transmission of light within a specific wavelength range. Optical windows are flat, ensuring uniformity and precision in various optical systems.


These specialized windows are meticulously crafted to minimize both reflection and absorption while maximizing the transmission of light within a specific wavelength range. When selecting an optical window, it is essential to consider factors such as optical surface quality, material transparency characteristics, anti-reflection (AR) coatings, and the mechanical attributes required for your specific application. AR coatings play a crucial role in enhancing the transmission properties of optical windows by reducing surface reflections, thus improving the overall efficiency of optical systems.

Avantier offers a comprehensive range of optical windows manufactured in our cutting-edge facility. Our capabilities extend to crafting both large-scale optical windows and micro windows suitable for nano-sized optical assemblies. With a diverse selection of optical substrates, including zinc selenide (ZnSe), at your disposal, our in-house design team is poised to precisely tailor your order to meet your exact specifications. Zinc selenide windows are notable for their high transmission in the infrared range, making them ideal for thermal imaging and other IR applications.

BK7 Windows: A BK7 Window is an optical window made of high quality Schott glass.  These windows have excellent optical quality, and feature uniform transmission in the visible as well as into the near-infrared. Our BK7 Windows have a very high refractive index homogeneity and a clear, almost colorless appearance.

BK7 Windows

CaF2 Windows: A CaF2 window is an optical window made of crystalline calcium fluoride. These windows are versatile, environmentally stable and resistant to laser damage, and they exhibit a high, stable transmission from 200 nm to about 7 μm, making them suitable for a variety of optical systems.

CaF2 Windows

Fused Silica Windows: Fused silica windows are an excellent choice for demanding applications where precision and clear transmittance are key. Avantier’s Fused silica windows feature low bulk scatter and autofluorescence and are available with very high surface quality and parallelism. Their exceptional wavefront error minimization ensures optimal performance in high-precision applications.

Fused Silica Windows

MgF2 Windows: MgF2 exhibits excellent broadband transmission from 120 nm to 8 μm, from the deep UV to the mid-infrared. This makes them a good choice for UV radiation sources and receivers as well as for use at the Hydrogen Lyman-alpha line. They are often used as UV viewpoints, and are a good option for UV polarizers and excimer laser applications.

MgF2 Windows

Sapphire Windows: Avantier uses single crystal to manufacture high quality sapphire windows and precision optical components, and because of sapphire’s high mechanical strength we are able to make these optical windows much thinner and with better transmittance than other dielectric windows.

Sapphire Windows

Metalized Sapphire Windows: Metallized sapphire windows feature metallized edge surfaces which allow the windows to be soldered or bonded directly into an opto-electronic assembly, creating a hermetic seal. Since sapphire windows can better withstand harsh environments, these metalized windows are especially useful for chemical and plasma sanitation applications.

Metalized Sapphire Windows

Fused Quartz Windows: Fused quartz windows have excellent optical quality, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and transmission over 80% at a wavelength range of 260nm to 2500nm. Fused quartz is harder than glass and can be used at temperatures up to 1050°C.

Fused Quartz Windows

Custom Optical Windows

Avantier specializes in custom optical windows, tailored to meet your specific project needs. Our custom solutions ensure that you get the perfect optical window with the required material transmission properties, surface quality, and mechanical attributes for your application.

At Avantier, we pride ourselves on upholding the highest standards in manufacturing and optical solutions. Our expertise in the industry ensures that our customers receive products of unmatched quality and performance. We are committed to providing the best optical solutions for your unique requirements. Contact us today to discuss your optical needs and find the perfect windows for your requirements.

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