Medical Optics

Avantier is a premium manufacturer of high-quality medical optics. Not only does Avantier Inc. produce a wide variety of advanced medical optics for both medical research and practice, but we also work with our customers to design custom components or optical devices upon request.

What is Medical Optics?

Medical optics involves using light, in any of its many forms, for investigational imaging in medical applications. Light can be used to elucidate the presence of COVID in a sputum sample, or to complete a computer-guided laser refractive surgery. Medical imaging technology has seen major advances in recent years, and we are able to use light to accomplish what we could only have dreamed of twenty years ago.

Manufacture of Optics for Medical Devices

Manufacturing optics for medical devices is not like manufacturing optics in any other field. There can be no compromises on quality, as a person’s life may depend on precision optics working as intended within a treatment or diagnostic protocol. Tight standards govern the production of optics for the medical industry to ensure that nothing subpar is included in an optical assembly. At first glance, this might seem like a carte blanche to produce the finest, most expensive optics. But medical optics is also constrained by inflexible budget and time constraints, and an effective medical optics design will take into account all three factors to produce high-performance optics at a competitive price and with a quick turnaround.

Examples of Medical Optics

At Avantier, we know what it means to create medical optics to the highest standards while working within our client’s time and budget constraints. We are proud to have designed and manufactured a wide variety of optical devices for both medical research and clinical applications. Here we’ll look at one area, ophthalmology and consumer eye health in which medical optics has transformed medical practice.

Optical coherence tomography is a noninvasive diagnostic technique in which an ophthalmologist uses light waves to create a cross-sectional image of the retina. Layers can be mapped and their thickness determined, enabling a medical practitioner to decide on the appropriate treatment of macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, and a variety of other conditions.

Traditional cataract surgery was performed with a surgeon and a knife, but today the method of choice is laser-assisted eye surgery, in which advanced medical optics enable the ophthalmologist to both view the fine details of the eye and perform precise laser maneuvers. Again, optical coherence tomography is used to create a map of the cataract and retina. Then a femtosecond laser is used to break up the clouded lens, which is then removed from the eye through a very small incision.

Medical Optics at Avantier

Medical optics is a fast-evolving field, and at Avantier we pride ourselves on staying at the forefront of technological innovation. You can count on us to supply you with what you need to continue to make a difference, whether that is in research or clinical applications. Whether you need custom medical optics for cutting-edge medical research or a reliable optical device for routine medical diagnostics, we have you covered.  As a globally renowned optical system solutions company with manufacturing capabilities of high-quality optical equipment, we are uniquely positioned to be able to provide world-class medical optics at competitive prices. Our engineering and production teams meet and exceed ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards, and every optic we produce is subject to careful quality control before it leaves our factory. Please contact us if you’d like to schedule a free consultation or request for quote on your next project.

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Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)


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