Archive for the ‘Resources’ Category

Applications of Raman Spectroscopy

Applications of Raman Spectroscopy Raman spectroscopy is a powerful analytical technique that provides insights into the molecular composition and structure of materials. Raman spectroscopy relies on the interaction between photons and molecular vibrations. When a sample is exposed to monochromatic light, most photons undergo elastic scattering, where their energy remains unchanged. However, a small fraction […]

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How Micro-Optics are Revolutionizing Optical Systems

Micro-Optics at Avantier Avantier stands at the forefront of the Micro-Optics industry, offering original design solutions tailored to meet the unique demands of their clients. Their state-of-the-art research facility is equipped with cutting-edge equipment, allowing their team to explore novel materials and fabrication techniques. Through meticulous research and development, Avantier pioneers groundbreaking optical components that […]

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Optical Surface Accuracy

Optical surface accuracy refers to the difference between the actual shape and the desired shape of an optical surface. It is a crucial aspect of optical components and is typically measured in terms of fringes or waves that correspond to the laser wavelength used in the interferometer. And it is important to specify the expected […]

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What Is a Convex Lens?

Convex lenses play an essential role when it comes to optics. They have various applications, and people use them in their daily lives. However, most do not know how these items work or what they do.  So, what is a convex lens, what are the different types of lenses, and where can they be applied? […]

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Flow Cytometry Part 2: Customized Optics – Advantages & Applications

Part 1 discussed the principles and customization options available through Avantier to accelerate research in flow cytometry. In Part 2, we will explore the advantages of customized components such as lenses, filters, mirrors, beamsplitters, polarization optics, optical system integration, and coatings, showcasing their valuable applications in various aspects of our lives. Advantages of customizing Lenses, Filters, […]

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Flow Cytometry Part1: Illuminating Cellular Diversity and Analysis

Flow cytometry is a revolutionary technique that enables the comprehensive analysis of cells or particles in a high-throughput manner. By harnessing the principles of hydrodynamic focusing, electronic detection, and optical systems, flow cytometry provides valuable insights into cell populations, surface markers, and complex cellular characteristics. This article explores the fundamental principles of flow cytometry, including […]

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How Do Polarizing Beam Splitters Work?

How Polarizing Beam Splitter Works There are several types of beam splitters for many various applications in the world today, but this short read will concern itself with polarizing beam splitters. Polarizing beam splitters, as their name implies, are a kind of beam splitter that divides a single beam of light into two beams of […]

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Fluorescence Microscopy Part 2: Customizing Filters and Lenses

Customizing Fluorescence Microscopes Customization of a fluorescence microscope involves fine-tuning its technical details to selectively utilize narrow bands of light for capturing high-resolution fluorescence images. Unlike standard brightfield or darkfield microscopes, fluorescence microscopes utilize specific filtering techniques to isolate the emitted light from fluorescent materials or fluorophores, which emit light of a longer wavelength when […]

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Fluorescence Microscopy Part 1: Illuminating Samples for High-Resolution Imaging

Illuminating Samples Fluorescence microscopy is a powerful imaging technique widely used in various fields, especially in biomedical research, to visualize and study fluorescently labeled samples at the microscopic level. It relies on the phenomenon of fluorescence, where certain materials absorb light at a specific wavelength (excitation light) and then emit light at a longer wavelength […]

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What Is the Difference Between a Mirror and a Lens?

Key Takeaways: The main difference between a mirror and a lens lies in their functionality; while a mirror possesses a reflective surface, a lens refracts light, with various types of mirrors including plane and spherical mirrors. Mirrors are typically made with a reflective coating, while lenses are transparent and refract light passing through them. Mirrors […]

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