Archive for the ‘Reverse Optical Engineering’ Category

Reverse Optical Engineering Process 

Key Takeaways: The reverse optical engineering process includes understanding the lens’s use, disassembly, data recording, and deriving new designs. Reverse optical engineering involves analyzing and recreating existing optical components when original designs are unavailable. The goal is to produce high-quality lenses that meet customer needs through rigorous testing. What is Reverse Optical Engineering? Optical reverse […]

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Lens Reverse Engineering Case Study

Key Takeaways Reverse Optical Engineering is pivotal for recreating or enhancing optical components, especially when original designs are unavailable or are in need of improvement.  This case study showcases the necessary steps in reverse engineering, from customer collaboration and sample testing to optical path simulation and final lens assembly.  Leveraging advanced tools and iterative optimization, […]

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Introduction to Reverse Engineering

Reverse optical engineering, also known as reverse engineering in optics, is the process of taking an existing optical component or system, analyzing it, and replicating it to create a similar or improved product. This technique is useful when the original design is not available or when improvements need to be made to an existing product. […]

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How to Read an Optical Drawing

An optical drawing is a detailed plan that allows us to manufacture optical components according to a design and given specifications. When optical designers and engineers come up with a design, they condense it in an optical drawing that can be understood by manufacturers anywhere.  ISO 10110 is the most popular standard for optical drawing. […]

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Lossless Image Compression Example

For storage and transmission of large image files it is desirable to reduce the file size. For consumer-grade images this is achieved by lossy image compression when image details not very noticeable to humans are discarded. However, for scientific images discarding any image details may not be acceptable. Still, all the images, except completely random […]

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Reverse Engineering Case Studies from Avantier

At Avantier, we are our proud of our track history in assisting customers to solve problems using reverse optical engineering. Here are three case studies. Case Study 1: Reverse Engineering an OFS 20x APO Objective Lens for Bioresearch Genetic engineering requires using precision optics to view and edit the genomes of plants or animals. One […]

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