Short Wave Infrared (SWIR) Imaging and its Applications
SWIR Imaging

SWIR Imaging Short wave infrared light is radiation with wavelengths in the range of 0.9 – 1.7μm. This light can penetrate materials that are impenetrable to visible light, making it ideal for industrial processing and quality check applications as well as for machine vision applications, surveillance, security, and natural resource management.  Water vapor, fog, and […]

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Case Study: Wide field of view (FOV) Infrared Lens Design
Infrared lens design

Key takeaways: Aspherical lenses improve optical systems by reducing aberrations and enhancing quality, especially in infrared lens design using materials like chalcogenide glass and germanium.  This case study for a wide field of view and long wavelength infrared lens that initially used spherical lenses found significant benefits by switching to aspherical design, expanding the field […]

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Case Study: Aspherized Achromatic Lenses for Detecting the Human Retina
Aspherized Achromatic Lenses header

Case Study: Aspherized Achromatic Lenses for Detecting the Human Retina Introduction Achromatic lenses are employed to reduce, or even eliminate, chromatic aberration, and their design also aids in minimizing spherical aberrations. These lenses are well-suited for various applications, including fluorescence microscopy, image relay, inspection, and spectroscopy. Typically created either by cementing two elements together or […]

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How to Choose a Zoom Lens
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Key Takeaways Choosing the correct machine vision lens is vital for optimal performance. Understanding fundamental parameters like working distance (WD), field of view (FOV), and resolution is essential.  This ensures that the lens meets specific application requirements. Whether fixed or zoom, lenses must align with the chosen camera. Equations like 1/f = 1/do + 1/di […]

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Asphere Metrology
Asphere Metrology

Key takeaways: The manufacture of precision aspheric optics depends on effective asphere metrology  Asphere metrology is a complex field that requires advanced techniques and equipment. State-of-the-art metrology enables us to determine the surface quality of any asphere If you’re upgrading your optical system by replacing spherical lenses with aspheres, you want to know that those […]

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Case Study: Double Convex Lens for Indirect Ophthalmoscopes
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Key Takeaways: Indirect ophthalmoscopes revolutionize eye examinations with advanced imaging systems.  Aspherical lenses correct aberrations, enhance image sharpness, and reduce distortion for clearer fundus observation.  With specifications like a 40D high-order lens, these instruments offer precise magnification and field of view.  Crafted with CNC machining and coated with Vis-NIR antireflection film, Avantier ensures exceptional surface […]

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Biophotonic Sensors: Advances and Applications
Biophotonic Sensors: Advances and Applications

Biophotonic Sensors Biophotonic sensors and systems are optical devices that can provide point-of-care diagnostics for medical practitioners and health researchers. They enable researchers to detect, sense, identify, and understand biological systems at the cellular/sub-cellular level, giving them a new understanding of biological processes, conditions, and molecular changes.  Biophotonics is a rapidly growing field, and optical […]

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Mastering Imaging Essentials: A Guide to Field of View, Resolution, and More
Imaging fundamentals, Field of View (FOV), Working Distance (WD), Resolution in imaging, Depth of Field

Mastering Imaging Essentials: A Guide to Field of View, Resolution, and More Understanding the fundamental concepts of imaging is essential for anyone involved in photography, microscopy, or any field that relies on optical instruments. These terms serve as the building blocks upon which more complex ideas are constructed. Field of view (FOV), working distance (WD), […]

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