Archive for the ‘Resources’ Category

SWIR Camera Surveillance

SWIR Camera Surveillance: Eliminating Haze There’s a deep fog over everything, and you can’t see your hand when you hold it in front of you. The perfect night for a thief to sneak into your factories, make out with whatever they can carry, and get out the same way they came— or is it? Not […]

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Infrared Sensors and Optics for Drones 

Key takeaways: Optics for drones have evolved significantly, offering high-quality imaging even in challenging environments. Infrared sensors play a vital role, aiding in tasks like wildlife tracking and thermal imaging. Drones find applications across industries, from agriculture to cinematography to defense. Choosing drone optics involves considering factors like reliability, environmental conditions, weight, and power consumption. […]

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 Advantage of Optical Domes

Advantage of Optical Domes Optical domes play an important part in many optical systems, protecting delicate components from harsh environmental conditions. Maybe you need to produce high-quality images of deep sea organisms. You’ve got the delicate underwater camera that will produce the high resolution imagery you need, but you need something  that will enable them […]

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Case Study: Germanium Optical Dome for Drone

Key Takeaways: The Germanium Optical Dome stands as a pivotal component in enhancing the capabilities of drones and other optical systems across various domains.  Its significance is underscored by its ability to safeguard sensitive optical instruments while ensuring minimal impact on performance.  Optics for drones, including infrared cameras, benefit greatly from these domes, enabling reliable […]

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Optics for LiDAR and Sensing

Optics for LiDAR and sensing Key Takeaways LIDAR technology has seen huge advances in recent years.  Different applications require different types of lasers  Custom optics can enable you to create a LIDAR system optimized for your application.  Optics for LIDAR and sensing are far more affordable today than they were just ten years ago, and […]

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Precision Micro Prisms for Advanced Optical Systems

Key Takeaways: Avantier specializes in micro prisms, invisible to the naked eye yet vital for society’s development.  These prisms, made from precision-cut prism glass, enable light bending for optical equipment, aiding in miniaturization and lightweighting. Avantier’s technology creates (ultra-small) micro prisms (<3 mm) customized for diverse environments.  The production process involves cutting, grinding, polishing, and […]

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Custom C-Lens with 1.8mm diameter

Key Takeaways: Avantier specializes in manufacturing high-performance C-lenses and D-lenses for fiber optics applications, offering advantages like: cost-effectiveness, minimal insertion loss, and a wide operational distance range.  Their expertise ensures consistent, high-quality products which are tailored for diverse environments. Avantier successfully navigated challenges in microscale manufacturing, material selection, surface quality control, and cost-effective mass production.  […]

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The World of Micro-optics

Micro-Optics Can a lens be mounted on a surface smaller than the head of a pin, or  the full power of complex optical devices be condensed into a package smaller than a fingernail? That’s what micro-optics are about. . Microlens Arrays A micro-optic is an optical component or array between a few micrometers and a […]

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Selecting Optical Domes with Flanges for Camera Systems

Key Takeaways: Optical domes with flanges offer near-zero wavefront error, ensuring exceptional optical clarity in camera systems. Common issues such as distortion, speckle, haziness, and reduced transmission can be addressed with high-quality flanged domes. Selecting the ideal glass dome involves considering application requirements, system performance limitations, manufacturing methods, and material durability. Ground and polished domes […]

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Case study: High Precision Domes under High Pressure

Key Takeaways: The optical dome, a critical component in optical systems, features two dome-shaped surfaces that preserve optical performance while shielding cameras and sensors.  Material choice, curvature, coatings, and environmental resilience are key considerations in its design.  Avantier’s project involved optimizing and manufacturing three domes for high-pressure and temperature-differential environments.  This project employed precise materials […]

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