Archive for the ‘Case Study’ Category

Lens Reverse Engineering Case Study

Key Takeaways Reverse Optical Engineering is pivotal for recreating or enhancing optical components, especially when original designs are unavailable or are in need of improvement.  This case study showcases the necessary steps in reverse engineering, from customer collaboration and sample testing to optical path simulation and final lens assembly.  Leveraging advanced tools and iterative optimization, […]

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Case Study: Germanium Optical Dome for Drone

Key Takeaways: The Germanium Optical Dome stands as a pivotal component in enhancing the capabilities of drones and other optical systems across various domains.  Its significance is underscored by its ability to safeguard sensitive optical instruments while ensuring minimal impact on performance.  Optics for drones, including infrared cameras, benefit greatly from these domes, enabling reliable […]

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Custom C-Lens with 1.8mm diameter

Key Takeaways: Avantier specializes in manufacturing high-performance C-lenses and D-lenses for fiber optics applications, offering advantages like: cost-effectiveness, minimal insertion loss, and a wide operational distance range.  Their expertise ensures consistent, high-quality products which are tailored for diverse environments. Avantier successfully navigated challenges in microscale manufacturing, material selection, surface quality control, and cost-effective mass production.  […]

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Case study: High Precision Domes under High Pressure

Key Takeaways: The optical dome, a critical component in optical systems, features two dome-shaped surfaces that preserve optical performance while shielding cameras and sensors.  Material choice, curvature, coatings, and environmental resilience are key considerations in its design.  Avantier’s project involved optimizing and manufacturing three domes for high-pressure and temperature-differential environments.  This project employed precise materials […]

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Case Study: Objective Lens for Single Atom Trapping and Imaging

Key Takeaways: Avantier designed a custom objective lens for a university department, meeting strict criteria for trapping and imaging single atoms.  The lens features a large numerical aperture (NA) of 0.5, optimal for high-resolution imaging at 780 nm-1064 nm wavelengths.  Its 15mm working distance accommodates two lasers without interference, which is crucial for achieving accurate […]

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Case Study: Wide field of view (FOV) Infrared Lens Design

Key takeaways: Aspherical lenses improve optical systems by reducing aberrations and enhancing quality, especially in infrared lens design using materials like chalcogenide glass and germanium.  This case study for a wide field of view and long wavelength infrared lens that initially used spherical lenses found significant benefits by switching to aspherical design, expanding the field […]

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Case Study: Aspherized Achromatic Lenses for Detecting the Human Retina

Case Study: Aspherized Achromatic Lenses for Detecting the Human Retina Introduction Achromatic lenses are employed to reduce, or even eliminate, chromatic aberration, and their design also aids in minimizing spherical aberrations. These lenses are well-suited for various applications, including fluorescence microscopy, image relay, inspection, and spectroscopy. Typically created either by cementing two elements together or […]

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Case Study: Double Convex Lens for Indirect Ophthalmoscopes

Key Takeaways: Indirect ophthalmoscopes revolutionize eye examinations with advanced imaging systems.  Aspherical lenses correct aberrations, enhance image sharpness, and reduce distortion for clearer fundus observation.  With specifications like a 40D high-order lens, these instruments offer precise magnification and field of view.  Crafted with CNC machining and coated with Vis-NIR antireflection film, Avantier ensures exceptional surface […]

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Triplet Apochromat Lens used in VR headset

Key Takeaways: The triplet apochromat lens offers superior image quality with minimal chromatic aberration and is suitable for various fields including photography, astronomy, and medicine. As a lens in VR headsets, it reduces chromatic aberration, providing users with clearer, more immersive experiences for gaming and virtual tourism. Its compact design and exceptional imaging make it […]

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Case Study: Long Working Distance Microscope Objective Lens

Key Takeaways: The 50X long working distance microscope objective lens offers high magnification for clear visualization in biomedical and precision testing applications.  Its infinite conjugate design ensures compatibility with various microscopy systems. Specifically engineered for the near ultraviolet (NUV) band, it corrects for the 355nm wavelength, achieving 50% transmittance and excellent achromatic correction.  With a […]

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