Archive for the ‘Custom Optics’ Category

Developments in Freeform Optics

Freeform Optics: Advances and Developments While most traditional optics have constant curvatures and are rotationally symmetric, freeform optics break all the norms. And there’s a very good reason they do.  Design flexibility and many degrees of freedom  mean a freeform optic can achieve optical mapping relationships that aren’t possible with your ordinary symmetric optic. When […]

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Infrared Sensors and Optics for Drones 

Key takeaways: Optics for drones have evolved significantly, offering high-quality imaging even in challenging environments. Infrared sensors play a vital role, aiding in tasks like wildlife tracking and thermal imaging. Drones find applications across industries, from agriculture to cinematography to defense. Choosing drone optics involves considering factors like reliability, environmental conditions, weight, and power consumption. […]

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 Advantage of Optical Domes

Advantage of Optical Domes Optical domes play an important part in many optical systems, protecting delicate components from harsh environmental conditions. Maybe you need to produce high-quality images of deep sea organisms. You’ve got the delicate underwater camera that will produce the high resolution imagery you need, but you need something  that will enable them […]

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Optics for LiDAR and Sensing

Optics for LiDAR and sensing Key Takeaways LIDAR technology has seen huge advances in recent years.  Different applications require different types of lasers  Custom optics can enable you to create a LIDAR system optimized for your application.  Optics for LIDAR and sensing are far more affordable today than they were just ten years ago, and […]

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Precision Micro Prisms for Advanced Optical Systems

Key Takeaways: Avantier specializes in micro prisms, invisible to the naked eye yet vital for society’s development.  These prisms, made from precision-cut prism glass, enable light bending for optical equipment, aiding in miniaturization and lightweighting. Avantier’s technology creates (ultra-small) micro prisms (<3 mm) customized for diverse environments.  The production process involves cutting, grinding, polishing, and […]

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Custom C-Lens with 1.8mm diameter

Key Takeaways: Avantier specializes in manufacturing high-performance C-lenses and D-lenses for fiber optics applications, offering advantages like: cost-effectiveness, minimal insertion loss, and a wide operational distance range.  Their expertise ensures consistent, high-quality products which are tailored for diverse environments. Avantier successfully navigated challenges in microscale manufacturing, material selection, surface quality control, and cost-effective mass production.  […]

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Triplet Apochromat Lens used in VR headset

Key Takeaways: The triplet apochromat lens offers superior image quality with minimal chromatic aberration and is suitable for various fields including photography, astronomy, and medicine. As a lens in VR headsets, it reduces chromatic aberration, providing users with clearer, more immersive experiences for gaming and virtual tourism. Its compact design and exceptional imaging make it […]

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Understanding Spherical Mirrors: Deep Guide

Key Takeaways: Spherical mirrors come in two types – concave and convex, with distinct curvatures that affect how light rays behave. Understanding terms like center of curvature, pole, and focal length is crucial for grasping the behavior of spherical mirrors.  The mirror equation simplifies how images are formed, making it easier to understand and apply […]

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The Complete Guide to Aspheric Lens

  Product Highlights: Aspheric lenses correct spherical aberration, improving image quality. They feature varying curvature, unlike spherical lenses and spherical elements enhancing, enhancing precision.  Manufacturing methods include precision glass molding, precision polishing, and diamond turning, each with unique benefits and limitations. Material selection depends on application needs and manufacturing process compatibility.  Avantier offers comprehensive custom […]

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Case Study – Microlens Arrays for UV, VIS, and NIR video imaging cameras

     Key Takeaways The project focuses on microlens arrays, which arrange multiple lenses on a substrate for precise light control in applications like lighting, imaging, and photonics.  The substrate’s material flexibility and strategic lens arrangement enable versatility. This initiative targets UV, VIS, and NIR video imaging cameras with broad wavelength coverage.  Avantier excels in […]

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