Archive for the ‘Solutions’ Category

Introducing Microlens Arrays

Microlens Arrays What if you could bring the power of nature’s compound eyes to your optical assembly— in a tiny package 10 mm x 10 mm? It turns out, you can! Whether you need to homogenize light from line-narrowed excimer lasers or high power LEDS, microlens arrays can give you the high efficiency and non-gaussian […]

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Reverse Optical Engineering Process 

Key Takeaways: The reverse optical engineering process includes understanding the lens’s use, disassembly, data recording, and deriving new designs. Reverse optical engineering involves analyzing and recreating existing optical components when original designs are unavailable. The goal is to produce high-quality lenses that meet customer needs through rigorous testing. What is Reverse Optical Engineering? Optical reverse […]

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Lens Reverse Engineering Case Study

Key Takeaways Reverse Optical Engineering is pivotal for recreating or enhancing optical components, especially when original designs are unavailable or are in need of improvement.  This case study showcases the necessary steps in reverse engineering, from customer collaboration and sample testing to optical path simulation and final lens assembly.  Leveraging advanced tools and iterative optimization, […]

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Infinitely Conjugate Long Working Distance Microscope Objectives

Key Takeaways:  Microscope objectives, vital for optical microscopy, come in two primary modes: finite conjugate and infinite conjugate. Infinite conjugate objectives, which project to infinity and require a tube lens, offer flexibility for incorporating optical components without sacrificing image quality, making them popular in scientific and industrial applications. Long working distance objectives are crucial, providing […]

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Advancements in Reflective Microscope Objectives

Key Takeaways:  Reflective microscope objectives are revolutionary in optical design, addressing challenges such as chromatic aberration and enabling diffraction-limited performance across a wide wavelength range.  Their mirror-based construction reduces chromatic aberration and extends working distances, while maintaining stability and precision through uniform thermal coefficients. The two-mirror Schwarzschild objective exemplifies meticulous alignment for optimal performance. These […]

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Developments in Freeform Optics

Freeform Optics: Advances and Developments While most traditional optics have constant curvatures and are rotationally symmetric, freeform optics break all the norms. And there’s a very good reason they do.  Design flexibility and many degrees of freedom  mean a freeform optic can achieve optical mapping relationships that aren’t possible with your ordinary symmetric optic. When […]

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SWIR Camera Surveillance

SWIR Camera Surveillance: Eliminating Haze There’s a deep fog over everything, and you can’t see your hand when you hold it in front of you. The perfect night for a thief to sneak into your factories, make out with whatever they can carry, and get out the same way they came— or is it? Not […]

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Infrared Sensors and Optics for Drones 

Key takeaways: Optics for drones have evolved significantly, offering high-quality imaging even in challenging environments. Infrared sensors play a vital role, aiding in tasks like wildlife tracking and thermal imaging. Drones find applications across industries, from agriculture to cinematography to defense. Choosing drone optics involves considering factors like reliability, environmental conditions, weight, and power consumption. […]

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 Advantage of Optical Domes

Advantage of Optical Domes Optical domes play an important part in many optical systems, protecting delicate components from harsh environmental conditions. Maybe you need to produce high-quality images of deep sea organisms. You’ve got the delicate underwater camera that will produce the high resolution imagery you need, but you need something  that will enable them […]

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Optics for LiDAR and Sensing

Optics for LiDAR and sensing Key Takeaways LIDAR technology has seen huge advances in recent years.  Different applications require different types of lasers  Custom optics can enable you to create a LIDAR system optimized for your application.  Optics for LIDAR and sensing are far more affordable today than they were just ten years ago, and […]

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